Assured Psychology | Calgary, Alberta

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Through years of clinical experience, we have developed a compassionate and insightful way to treat people’s mental health concerns, trauma, pain, general discontent, personal growth, and relationship issues. Clients report this approach to be very comfortable and helpful.

Online Sessions

While it is typically best to meet in person, online sessions are available for residents of Alberta. This can be a useful option for people who may live in remote locations, have mobility limitations, or existing clients that have something come up that requires them to be home on the day of the appointment. Online sessions require the participant to have a device or PC with a camera and sound. Your therapists will contact you prior to your appointment to clarify which online platform will be used (Jane,, Zoom, etc.) Please note that while every effort is made to protect your confidentiality it cannot be guaranteed in the same manner as a typical face-to-face session. Email to learn more if you are interested in online therapy.


Psychological and counselling supervision services are available to colleagues and trainees as a per request basis. Please contact us directly with these requests.

Outdoor Counselling Sessions

Counselling sessions are also offered in an outdoor, nature-based environment during warmer (summer) months as well as in the traditional office setting. This service is available to ongoing clients who have had at least one initial session at the regular office. A set meeting place is agreed upon ahead of time and then a short walk/hike into the green-space selected. Please note this is weather dependent and low-risk (easy terrain). Typically 75 minute sessions are suggested. No washrooms are available on site.

We would love to connect with you to help you achieve your goals.

No matter how long your journey appears to be, there is never more than this: one step, one breath, one moment…Now.

Eckhart Tolle